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People of Progress

Welcome to

People of

A series of stories from individuals in the GOWOD community who harness the power of progress day after day.

These athletes and individuals champion the spirit of progress and you can too.
Their results didn’t happen overnight and neither will yours.

They happen slowly, one small thing after another moving forward together towards the same destination. Making progress everyday is what gets us to where we want to go.

Progress prevails through set-backs, injuries, off days and anything else that life throws our way.

The power
of progress

See what you can accomplish when you keep showing up for yourself.
Join the GOWOD community of athletes and individuals who harness the power of progress day after day.

Find your protocol for progress with the GOWOD App and share your story of progress to be featured in the People Of Progress campaign.

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If your story is selected to be featured on this page, we will contact you via email to learn more about you!

Thank you for your trust! And remember: Making progress every day is what gets us to where we want to go.
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Discover the stories

Get to know
the people of progress

Jason Quinn

"Having dedicated over two decades to helicopter Search and Rescue, I understand deeply how crucial maintaining my fitness, well-being, and mobility is, especially as I get older. GOWOD has been pivotal in supporting my lifestyle changes, ensuring I can keep doing what I love most. It helps me make small, significant improvements daily, sustaining my readiness for any mission."

Enrico Zenoni

"Progress for me is about the consistent, small wins each day that edge me closer to my dreams. Having used the GOWOD app for years, I've observed significant improvements in my mobility and performance. The daily routines not only enhance my workout efficiency but also speed up my recovery, all while helping me avoid injuries. It's been a game-changer in my fitness journey."

Kaitlyn Kenna Smith

"For me, progress means small things done consistently over time that compound to create massive change. I never prioritized mobility until I started using GOWOD two years ago, and the impact on my performance was immediately noticeable. GOWOD has since become indispensable in my daily routine, profoundly enhancing my journey as an athlete."

Jeff Cooper

"Progress for me is a slow, steady movement towards an intended destination. As a Level 3 CrossFit Trainer, affiliate owner, and nutrition coach, I've been using GOWOD since April 2020. Despite old injuries—a reconstructed PCL and multiple herniated discs—my mobility and pain levels have significantly improved with GOWOD. Last year at the Games, meeting a GOWOD rep inspired my daughter and me to deepen our commitment to our GOWOD routines. The benefits are clear; my daughter’s flexibility and tumbling skills have improved, enhancing our quality time together as we both pursue our athletic goals. My aim is to maintain my activity levels to continue playing with my children as they grow, supporting their ambitions in gymnastics, cheer, and swimming."

Andrew Sambell

"To me, progress is a holistic step in the right direction, with the goal of becoming a better person overall. Health and fitness are the tools I use to challenge myself and test my character daily, helping me grow as a whole. Every day I show up for myself, giving my best effort, is a step forward. GOWOD has been instrumental in connecting me with my training. It's like a pump-up song that sets the tone for my gym sessions, allowing me to center myself and prepare mentally and physically. Starting GOWOD a few years ago was a game-changer. Whether it's 15 minutes at any time or 10 minutes before training, GOWOD knows exactly what I need. It's improved my ability to get into better positions, move more freely, and perform at a higher level."

Brooklynn Sittner

"I'm a teenage CrossFit Games athlete. Progress is the biggest building block of success, and GOWOD not only makes me a better athlete but also boosts my confidence in tackling life's unknown challenges. Beyond the physical training, the unconditional support from my dad is yet another building block to my success he's not just my coach in the gym but the person I trust in every aspect of life. His beliefs and my ambitions work seamlessly with GOWOD's innovative approach, enhancing both my performance and resilience!"

Chloe Whatman

"Progress for me is entering each set fully prepared, both mentally and physically. I've learned that failing to prepare is preparing to fail, which is why dedicating 15 minutes to proper mobilization and warm-up is crucial for success in every session. GOWOD has become an essential part of my routine to prime and mobilize my joints before each workout and to aid muscle recovery afterward. GOWOD is key to my daily preparation and success."

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